ME and Ophelia

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Artist Sam Easterston shows a tiny camera he attached to a desert tarantula

Ophelia was out yesterday from 3 pm until midnight. We are never apart for more than a few hours. I waited up. Worried. Where was she? What was doing for nine hours? How far away had she gone? It would be so interesting to have a tiny webcam around her neck to track where she goes.

Artist Sam Easterston, Founder and Director of Animal Vegetable Video is dedicated to building the world's largest library of video footage that has been captured from the points of view of animals and plants.

Easterson takes small cameras designed for law enforcement and surveillance and modifies them for the animals or plants he's aiming to study. He changes the cameras mostly by reducing the weight. For most smaller animals, the video usually is beamed wirelessly for recording.

Cameras as tiny as half an ounce are mounted on animals or plants. There is no specific length for the feature; it lasts until the camera falls off. The result is a unique perspective applauded by armchair naturalists in which the stars of the film are also the videographers.

I am volunteering Ophelia as a videographer (if someone would please provide us with the equipment). If suitable equipment came on to the market, I know of other cat owners who would snap it up without hesitation!

via Jenn
# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 8/24/2003
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