ME and Ophelia

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

And six degrees of separation

Following on from my recent posts re Internet dating, privacy and ID issues, I have added several new links to my sidebar, under the heading of social software, and spent today studying four great posts:

Jim Moore's theoretical note on why blogs matter, the strength of weak ties and six degrees of separation.

Joi Ito's thoughts on Skype and IM.

John Barlow's Entering CasualSpace...

Timothy Falconer's universal human identifiers.
_ _ _

The strength of the weakest links

Also today, I discovered BuddySpace and Huminity's post on the strength of the weakest link via My Dog, a blog by American Marc Eisenstadt who lives in England and works as a Chief Scientist at the Knowledge Media Institute of The Open University in Milton Keynes.

Huminity describes itself as free social networking and chat software that allows you to chat with anyone, navigate animated maps of connections and view the links of friends between you and anyone else.

With Huminity you can chat with anyone, enter chat-rooms, find people and search the links of friends between you and anyone else. Huminity is more than a social software or a chat software, it's a revolution in human interaction.

The possibilities are endless dating, job seeking, business networking, making new friends or finding long-lost classmates...

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 1/06/2004
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