ME and Ophelia

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

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Listen to World Service via the Internet

Good news. I've just had word from Scaryduck that the Sudanese foreign minister is in the UK this week. Scaryduck says, quote "he will be interviewed by BBC World Service tomorrow, and I dare say that Darfur will be mentioned until he gets really, really cross and storms out."

A few years ago I was given an old radio but it's stored away in the back of cupboard. Since all of the BBCs national stations and World Service are now available on the internet, and I have a new powerbook, I clicked into BBC digital radio to check if I could listen to the World Service programme tomorrow on my laptop. It mentions "rights permitting" - not sure what that means - and says the best starting point is the BBC Radio Home page.

Next, I need to work out when it starts and how to set it up. So far, I've found a download available on a free 14-day trial. Not sure if the download is a must, or what happens after the trial. Sounds like money. I'm already paying £10 per month to the BBC, and on top of £15 per month to for narrowband dial up, plus £20 per month to British Telecom for one landline. That's a total of £45 per month excluding my cellphone. And I still have to pay extra to listen to the BBC via the Internet? I hope not. If necessary, I'll just download the free trial for tomorrow and then arrange for my radio to be set up instead.

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 5/11/2004
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