ME and Ophelia

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Don't Drink the Water

Jon and Anne Fox are in their mid twenties, recently married and living in Indiana, USA. Jon works as a computer programmer/systems analyst. His Dream Job would be to work for Pixar or Weta Digital. He has written a thoughtful post Pooh Day in his blog called Simple Green.

Anne's blog Vertically Challenged - blackboard scribbles from a short person - is about her life, friends and her new job as a student teacher working with first grade children at a school in Marion, Indiana.

Their story Don't Drink the Water is a laugh.

'naked & shameless, peeling back the layers...'

Owen lives in Canada and has a blog called onionboy: the logo and onionboy standing by the typewriter should make you smile.

His one-line Bio is, quote: "the meditations, hallucinations and peelings of an alleged middle age memoir writer, artist, minister and onionboy".

Interests listed are, quote: "art, writing, bicycle commuter, family (married 20 years, awesome kids), our two dogs, film, books (oh big time), Christian hedonism, music (jazz, classical, alternative, world), self-leadership/spiritual formation..."

With thanks to Rachel Cunliffe of cre8d design journal - reflections from a 25 year old kiwi

Bene Diction's melancholy over lack of weblog comments

Most bloggers will identify with the feelings that Canadian blogger Bene Diction describes in humorous post entitled Elements and, with this quote:

"Yes. Blogging can be lonely. And a sense of humour doesn't hurt".

With thanks, courtesy of Mike Todd's blog in Canada: Waving or Drowning?: - the melancholy blog.

[I am still working on the continuation of my post from the day before yesterday. I've had a lot of interruptions and household activity again this week, organising getting courtyard and planters tucked in and ship shape for winter sea storms... brrrrr]

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 11/05/2003
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