ME and Ophelia

Thursday, June 17, 2004

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Oil for food probe looks at UN staff involvement

June 16 foxnews: The United Nation's anti-corruption department has been rocked by accusations that the office itself is corrupt.

Further reading [source via Instapundit]:
June 13 UNSCAM UPDATE: It looks as if U.N. staff may have been involved: MENAFN Washington --- An independent investigation of the United Nations' controversial Iraq oil-for-food program is close to releasing an interim report this summer that is expected to focus on U.N. staff involvement in the program. But critics and supporters of the United Nations will likely have to wait about a year before the three-member committee releases its findings to the public on a wide array of allegations of corruption and mismanagement in the massive program.
June 14, 2004 NY Times : Tear Down This U.N. Stonewall.

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 6/17/2004
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