ME and Ophelia

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Campaign supporters voted not to accept public matching funds

Update on my Nov 6 post: Dave Winer reports via NY Times that Howard Dean became the first Democrat to opt out of the presidential public financing system in 30 years. Early counts of Dr Dean's online and telephone survey of his campaign members this week, showed about 85% of the 105,000 who responded supported opting out, aides said.

Cup of cocoa a day may keep doctor away

Dr Chang Yong Lee and colleagues at Cornell University in New York carried out tests to measure antioxidants levels in tea, red wine and cocoa. They are all rich in polyphenols, chemicals that have an antioxidant effect on the body. This means they can "mop up" free radicals - charged particles, produced by the body, which can damage cells and trigger diseases like cancer.

A cup of cocoa came out on top. Their study found it was twice as rich in antioxidants as a glass of red wine, up to three times richer than a cup of green tea and up to five times richer than black tea. Just over a year ago, researchers in France reported that a glass of red wine a day may cut a man's chances of having a second heart attack by half. In 1998, a study of more than 8,000 Americans found chocolate, which is made from cocoa, may even extend life.

Although cocoa is found in many other products, such as chocolate, the researchers said drinking it was the best way of harnessing its health benefits.

Cats have laws to protect them from beastly humans

Cruelty or causing unnecessary suffering to cats is forbidden by law.

THIS should be banned.

The first Act of Parliament for the protection of domestic animals was passed in 1822. One of the most important acts passed for the protection of cats, and, indeed all animals, was the Protection of Animals Act, 1911. So far as cats are concerned, an act of cruelty under the Act of 1911 would be:

(a) for any person to cruelly beat, kick, illtreat, torture, infuriate or terrify the animal or to permit any animals to be so treated or by wantonly or unreasonably doing or omitting to do any act or causing or procuring the commission or omission of any act so as to cause any unnecessary suffering to a cat.

(b) for any person to carry or permit to be carried a cat in such a manner or position as to cause a cat unnecessary suffering.

(c) for any person wilfully and without reasonable cause to administer or cause to be administered any poison or injurious drug or substance to a cat.

(d) for any person to subject or permit to be subjected a cat to any operation which is performed without due care and humanity.

(e) for any person to sell or offer or expose for sale or to give away any grain or seed which has been rendered poisonous (except for bona fide use in agriculture).

(f) for any person to put on any land or building any poison or any fluid or edible matter which has been rendered poisonous (not being seed or grain).

By the Animals (Anaesthetics) Act, 1919, it was made unlawful for the carrying out of certain operations on cats unless, during the whole operation, the cat is under the influence of a general anaesthetic of sufficient power to prevent the feeling of pain.

[I am working on the continuation of yesterday's post re community in the blogosphere]
# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 11/09/2003
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