ME and Ophelia
Monday, October 24, 2005
Six week rest break
On Oct 11, I only managed to half start my rest break due to unexpected visitors. Spent the following week tying up loose ends blogging wise and getting organised after three visits from doctor and nurse. Doctor confirmed once again still nothing can be done to help me. He said the M.E. will burn itself out. When?! (the answer is: how long is a piece of string?) I know some people who have severe M.E. for 20 years or more. He recommended Bach Rescue Remedy for stress and prescribed, for the first time (I've not taken any medicines at all during the past six years) fishoil capsules (pure with no cod liver oil), zinc (after I asked him about powered Magnesium) and multi vitamins in capsule and liquid form. They were delivered here by the Medical Centre on Friday morning.
Three different tablets, each to be taken three times a day with food, after fishoil capsule (as big as a horse tablet) in the morning with one tablespoon of multi vitamin liquid. After two days of taking them, I feel worse because stomach now hurts all day making me feel hot, cold and shivery, like I have food poisoning or something. Eating chocolate to make me feel better didn't help either :-)
It grieves me to give up blogging. At least I can use the break to write a few Christmas cards each day, catch up with emails and keep up with news online. Hey ho. Here we go. Six weeks of boring rest.

Will miss you.
Bye bye.
Love from Ingrid and Ophelia xx

Thinking of my 17 year old niece aboard the Royal Navy's top aircraft carrier. Watched TV coverage marking 200 year anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Saw a clipping from a movie about Horatio Nelson in which he was portrayed as saying you can't make peace with dictators, they have to be wiped out. It made me wonder about the regime in Khartoum and how Gandhi would not agree with such a statement.

P.S. Happy Halloween dear blogmates -
here is a pumpkin for you to carve [thanks Richard!]


Have you smiled today?
Six week rest break
On Oct 11, I only managed to half start my rest break due to unexpected visitors. Spent the following week tying up loose ends blogging wise and getting organised after three visits from doctor and nurse. Doctor confirmed once again still nothing can be done to help me. He said the M.E. will burn itself out. When?! (the answer is: how long is a piece of string?) I know some people who have severe M.E. for 20 years or more. He recommended Bach Rescue Remedy for stress and prescribed, for the first time (I've not taken any medicines at all during the past six years) fishoil capsules (pure with no cod liver oil), zinc (after I asked him about powered Magnesium) and multi vitamins in capsule and liquid form. They were delivered here by the Medical Centre on Friday morning.
Three different tablets, each to be taken three times a day with food, after fishoil capsule (as big as a horse tablet) in the morning with one tablespoon of multi vitamin liquid. After two days of taking them, I feel worse because stomach now hurts all day making me feel hot, cold and shivery, like I have food poisoning or something. Eating chocolate to make me feel better didn't help either :-)
It grieves me to give up blogging. At least I can use the break to write a few Christmas cards each day, catch up with emails and keep up with news online. Hey ho. Here we go. Six weeks of boring rest.
Will miss you.
Bye bye.
Love from Ingrid and Ophelia xx
Thinking of my 17 year old niece aboard the Royal Navy's top aircraft carrier. Watched TV coverage marking 200 year anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Saw a clipping from a movie about Horatio Nelson in which he was portrayed as saying you can't make peace with dictators, they have to be wiped out. It made me wonder about the regime in Khartoum and how Gandhi would not agree with such a statement.
P.S. Happy Halloween dear blogmates -
here is a pumpkin for you to carve [thanks Richard!]
Have you smiled today?