ME and Ophelia

Monday, November 29, 2004

It's an idea whose time has come, says InstaPundit

Thanks to InstaPundit for speaking out about the U.N. and saying:

"Kofi out, Havel in. It's an idea whose time has come."

See the HAVEL-FOR-SECRETARY-GENERAL bumper stickers.


And a related post here.

The juggernaut is rolling!

KOFI UPDATE: Don't you love the title of InstaPundit's column in today's Wall Street Journal? I do.

Top blogger Glenn Reynolds deserves applause for having the guts to speak out about the U.N. and promoting the idea of replacing Kofi Annan with Vaclav Havel. It's such a milestone of an essay, I've copied it at Sudan Watch incase the link gets broken.

KOFI UPDATE AT INSTAPUNDIT: American writer William Safire says: "This marks the end of the beginning of the scandal. Its end will not begin until Kofi Annan, even if personally innocent, resigns - having, through initial ineptitude and final obstructionism, brought dishonor on the Secretariat of the United Nations."

Yay for William Safire.
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UPDATE - what bloggers are saying - this list will be ongoing and added to - please let me know if you post on the U.N. and I will link to you. Thanks.

Jim Moore at the Passion: Glenn Reynolds on replacing Kofi Annan with former Czech President Vaclav Havel.

Christopher Johnson at Mayflower: US Senator calls for Annan's resignation; when it comes to Oil-For-Food, Annan is guilty of, as Senator Coleman said, nothing "other than incompetence and mismanagement."

Norman Geras of normblog in England writes on the UN's biggest scandal.

Christopher Johnson of Mayflower Hill in America links to the Vaclav Havel for Secretary-General banner.

A rant about Kofi Annan by Blimpish on October 17, 2004. In a comment here today, Blimpish says: "Chrenkoff reckons Polish President Kwasniewski would be a better bet, and I think I agree. Much though Havel is one of my heroes, he's not enough of a pol to make it work."

The Q Speaks: Can lameness be quantified?


October 17, 2004 Cox & Forkum: Hot Water
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November 19, 2004 Cox & Forkum Annan Threat

[Thanks to Misspent in October 17 comment at Blimpish]
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Anniversary of the UN vote on Resolution 181

On November 29, 1947, the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the partitioning of Palestine between Arabs and Jews.


This is a blogburst being cross-posted by a number of websites to commemorate a milestone in Israel's history.  A list of participating sites is at the end of a post by Blimpish.

# posted by Ingrid J. Jones @ 11/29/2004 0 comments

Sunday, November 28, 2004

New from Technorati

Get this favelet - new from Technorati for IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, etc.

I've dragged it into the Bookmarks bar of my Safari browser. But not yet tried how it works. Don't forget it's beta.

Thanks Technorati. The blogosphere would not be the same without you.